Our Mission

Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights, and human security. Our object is to organize all workers in the entire electrical industry working in our jurisdiction into our Local Union. We believe in cultivating feelings of friendship among those in our industry, assisting each other in sickness or distress, securing adequate pay for our work in order to achieve a higher standard of living, seeking security for our individual members, and by legal and proper means elevating the moral, intellectual, and social conditions of our members and their families.


Local Union 68 Objectives:


  • Promote by all proper means the material and intellectual welfare of the members;
  • Establish and maintain an adequate wage for our labor;
  • Advance the principles and practices of conciliation and arbitration in the settlement of any differences with our employers;
  • Make every effort for proper and safe installations of all electrical work, thus safeguarding life and property;
  • Make our card and seal a certificate of fraternity, honesty, efficiency, and reliability.
  • Promote Code of Excellence