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What Does It Take To Become An Electrician?

First and foremost it takes hard work and discipline. Work ethic and work attitudes are both essential elements of becoming a successful electrician. During your apprenticeship you will be expected to work at least 40 hours a week while attending class two nights a week.

Being an electrician can be physically demanding. You would be expected to be on your feet for a lot of the day, manipulate heavy conduit, and to work in difficult places like on ladders or in small spaces. You could work in a variety of conditions, from outside, where you’re exposed to harsh weather, or in cramped places. Your work is potentially hazardous as well, as you may be exposed to electrical shocks, falling from scaffolding, or being cut with sharp tools. You would have to adhere to strict safety guidelines and be alert at all times.

With experience and expertise electricians can be eligible for advancement to positions of greater responsibility. They might become supervisors, managers, or superintendents. Some may even start their business as a contractor.

Whatever your goals might be, remaining focused and disciplined is the key to making it work.

The Local Union 68 Membership Development is committed to organize all workers in the electrical industry. Every successful step in this effort results in more pride and dignity in the workplace.

Contractors for years have benefited from labor forces competing against each other. This competition has created an endless struggle in any attempts to gain or maintain wages and benefits. A unified workforce would curtail this practice and place the competitive arena back to the contractors where it belongs. Stability in the workplace and greater collective bargaining strength would likely result.
The principle foundation of the IBEW was built around family, fairness, justice and equality. Historically, a unified workforce commands higher wages and better benefits. Simply put, we believe the best strategy for the future of working class Americans is the ability to collectively bargain.

Please accept this invitation to contact our IBEW Organizers. You will learn the simple membership process and will play an important role in the future strength of our industry.