ibew caucus info


IBEW 68 Members Caucus Information




What is Caucus all about?


Members of the party (registered voters who are affiliated with the Democratic Party  and the Republican party) gather with our neighbors to adopt the party platform and begin the candidate nominating process for Governor and other races. This is your chance to help shape the platform, get more involved in the party by stepping up to serve as a precinct leader or delegate to the County Assembly, volunteer as an election judge, and meet your neighbors and fellow democrats. Read the proposed party platform here and find out more about the Denver Democrats caucus here.  See the Resource Links below to get similar information on the Republican Party Platform.


Who is eligible to caucus?                                                                                                                                                        


Members of the Democratic party are eligible to caucus. The deadline to affiliate with the party was January 8, 2018.

Check your registration with the Colorado Secretary of State here.



Go to the Secretary of State Caucus link to find information for Republican and Democratic Caucus:






When do I caucus?


Tuesday, March 6  for both Democratic and Republican Caucuses


7 pm (6:30 pm check -in)


Where do I caucus?


Here is the Colorado Caucus Finder https://www.coloradodems.org/caucus-lookup/


Find your assigned Denver caucus location by using the: Denver Democrat’s Precinct Finder here. 





Resource Links:


Precinct Finder:


Colorado Caucus Information: http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/march2018Caucuses.html  This page lists information for both Democratic and Republican Precinct Caucus Info


·        Colorado Dems. Caucus: https://www.coloradodems.org/caucus-lookup/


·        Colorado Rep. Caucus: http://caucus.cologop.org/


·        Denver Precinct Finder https://denverdemocrats.org/precinct_finder


Voter Registration: https://www.sos.state.co.us/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


CAUCUS 2018 Information Websites:


Colorado Caucus Info:




Denver Dems Caucus  Info:




Colorado Rep.Caucus Info






Party Platform Statements


·        https://denverdemocrats.org/who-we-are/platform-democratic-party-denver


·        Republican Party Platform:  https://cologop.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/2016-Republican-Platform.pdf   66pages

