2014 Colorado Electrical License and Denver Fire Alarm License Renewal


All Colorado State Journeyman, Master and Residential Electrical licenses will expire on September 30, 2014.  In order to maintain your Colorado license you must participate in the Continuing Competency (CC) Program.

If you were assigned any Professional Development Units (PDU) as a result of the CC Assessment in 2011, you must complete those credits before renewing your license in 2014.  Log your completion of those credits on line using the CC Portal.  The Portal is available at: https://www.dora.state.co.us/pls/cproweb/CPRO.LogOff?p_session_id=0000000009CE2EE610B51E4A3EB1A299AAFE616138.  If you are experience problems with entering your PDU’s on your DORA learning plan, you can contact someone with DORA at 303-894-2363.

Before being able to renew a license in 2014 you must:

1)  Submit a completed learning plan on line logging the completion of any PDU’s you were assigned in 2011.  For more information visit: www.dora.colorado.gov/professions/electrical and click on “Continuing Competency”; and

2)  Take the 2014 CC Assessment based on the 2014 code.  the 2014 Assessment starts on July 1, 2014 and you can schedule an assessment date with Pearson Vue now.  When requesting a date for your Assessment; you will be asked to provide an Authorization Code from DORA.  Your authorization code is:  JW, ME or RW followed by your license number (i.e.-JW7131).

3)  To schedule an assessment on line or by phone contact Pearson Vue at: www.pearsonvue.com/co/electricians or 800-275-8244.

On June 10, 2014, the City and County of Denver mailed notification to all Fire Safety License Holders (excluding fire sprinkler) concerning the 2014 Denver Fire Department Licensing Program.  Effective June 10, 2014 all applicants holding: Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarm, Public Safety (BDA), Fire Pump or Mass Notification Communications-Denver Fire Department licenses (2012 or newer) are required to renew and obtain a current 2014 license renewal no later than July 15, 2014.  The 2014 licenses will be valid through December 31, 2014.  If you have any questions you can contact the Denver Department of Safety/Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division at 720-913-3474.